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The main reason why gear pump pressure can't go up


After the gear pump has been used for a period of time, the pressure will not rise or the pressure will not be enough. It is mainly caused by the excessive internal clearance and the increase of internal leakage after the internal parts of the gear pump are worn. The vacuum is reduced.
       After using the gear pump for a period of time, the pressure often fails to rise or the pressure is not enough. The main reason is that the internal clearance of the gear pump is too large after the internal parts are worn, the internal leakage of the gear pump increases during operation, and the vacuum degree decreases. There are several main reasons for these phenomena:
     1. The gear end face of the gear pump is severely worn. Solution Change gears.
     2. The thrust plates on both sides of the gear of the gear pump are severely worn. Solution Replace the thrust plate.
     3. The outer circle of the gear pump gear is severely worn. Solution Change gears.
     4. The gear pump shaft sleeve is seriously worn. Solution Replace the sleeve.

gear pump

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