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Introduce the hot oil pump operation process


Introduce thehot oil pump operation process:

1. Preparation for start-up of heat transfer oil pump
Unscrew the bearing seat screws
   1. Clean up the scene. Add heat transfer oil as lubricating oil.
   2. Check whether the motor rotation direction is consistent with the pump rotation direction.
   3. Moving the coupling pump by hand should rotate flexibly.
To drive out the air in the pump
   4. Fill the pump with the delivered heat transfer oil before driving. At this time, the gate valve on the outlet pipe should be closed.
Preheating is carried out continuously through the pump body using the transferred heat transfer oil
   5. The delivered heat transfer oil should be evenly heated before driving.
Preheating speed is 50 degrees/hour
   6. Preheating standard: The temperature of the pump casing shall not be lower than the inlet oil temperature by 40 degrees. Loosen the side nut on the pump foot by 0.3-0.5 mm when preheating when driving, and tighten it after preheating.
Is the seal normal
   7. Check the foundation and bolts for looseness before driving.
2. Start the heat transfer oil pump
   1. Comprehensively check whether all preparations have been completed.
   2. Turn on the switches of various instruments.
When WRY heat transfer oil pump reaches normal speed
   3. Turn on the power. After the meter shows considerable pressure, gradually open the gate valve on the output pipeline and adjust it to the required working condition. When the gate valve on the output pipeline is closed, the pump cannot work continuously for more than 3 minutes.
Slowly heat the equipment in the production process to 100-130 degrees
   4. During the initial operation of the heat transfer oil pump. And insist on continuing to run at this temperature, and the water in the heat transfer oil from dehydration and degassing is completely evaporated before heating the equipment to the operating temperature.
Turn off the oil pump after heating the equipment to operating temperature,
   5. The first run is 3-4 hours. Check the coaxiality of the pump shaft and the motor shaft coupling. The deviation of the pump shaft and the motor shaft should be controlled within the allowable range. The pump shaft should be rotated by hand, flexible and vibration-free. If the above requirements are not met, it should be repeated Adjustment.

Hot oil pump


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